Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 3 Homework

The homework for this week is to post an image or two showing the use of depth of field. Remember, the lower the aperture, the lower (more shallow) the depth of field, and the higher the aperture, the more expansive the depth of field will appear in your images.

This is an example is using depth of field to show a wide range of clarity, something the human eye can't always do for us.
This is an image I took this weekend using a low aperture creating a low depth of field. You see the foreground and background are blurred out, while the middle is in focus.

I would like you all to take new photos this week and weekend to post instead of finding ones you have already taken. I like to see you guys out there working through the kinks first hand. Please email me if you all have any questions or come across a problem you can't solve.

Also, if you are interested for next class, post an image that you really like and you aren't quite sure how they did that.

For example:

I sure hope everyone can make it to the last class!! See you then.

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